Academic Papers
Welcome to read published research papers, Master and Doctoral Theses, and Conference Papers.
PhD Thesis:
Psychological Collectivism and Mental Toughness in Traditional Wushu
What is the experience of psychological collectivism in traditional wushu? What do the training communities look like? Is there any connection between psychological collectivism and mental toughness? And is that different for modern and traditional wushu?
Keywords: Sport Psychology; Kung Fu; Wushu; Traditional Martial Arts; Mental Toughness; Psychological Collectivism
Master Thesis: Exploring the self-perception of kung fu teachers. An interpretative phenomenological analysis
What is it like to be a traditional wushu teacher? Power of martial arts in modern days.
Published in 2019 in European Journal for Sport and Society
Keywords: Sport Psychology; Kung Fu; Wushu; Traditional Martial Arts; Collective Identity; IPA; self-perception; self-development
Authors: Veronika Partikova and George Jennings
Paper published in Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2018
An article for Love Fighting Hate Violence project. Love Fighting Hate Violence (LFHV) is a campaign aiming to raise awareness of the important moral difference between sport-based combat, and violence.
Paper published in Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 2018Conference Presentation
Martial Arts Studies, Cardiff University 2016
Conference Presentation
The 14th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Charles University 2017
Funny fact: The picture in the header is an actual photo of the transcription of the interviews for my Ph.D. research.